2005 Fast Tracks Holiday Party
Fast Tracks Running Club
This page was last updated on: May 1, 2006
Check out the nails on Martini Girl!
Bikin' Bling Bings!
"What? I didn't have to run here from Betzwood?"
"No Ethel, really, I don't want to run an ultra"
"Seriously Marisa, I use 4 alarm clocks the day of my marathon"
"I drink Fresca, the drink of the Ironwoman!"
"Yes, men do add a certain richness to Fast Trakcs, but fasion sense at the races is sometimes lacking"
"If I get close enough to Bonnie, will I drop my marathon time?"
"I'm not kidding Jill, THIS big!"
"The last 8 miles were hell! C'mon JIll, what's funny about that?"
Be careful when they put their heads together.
Two lovelies
The cats who just ate the canary
"Hold me up, Vicki . . . I'm sinking fast!"
"The inky-dinky spider went up the water spout"
"This isn't the Bryn Mawr Running Club party?
"NO, don't hit that button!"
"Keep smiling. I think they're almost all gone."
Joan Affleck & Mike Harkness
Ethel Cook & Tom Chaves
Keith & Ali
Carole & Sarah
Sarah & Jeff
Marisa & Matt
Brian & Pam
Stacy A. & Keith
Brett, Carole, Stacey, & Sarah
Having a good time!
Todd & Andi
The happy couple